Monday, June 11, 2012

Weigh-in: 11 June 2012

Today's weight: 148.1 kg (326.5 lbs)
Change: -1.9 kg (4.2 lbs)
Total loss: 47.4 kg (104.5 lbs)

A 1.9 kg loss is awesome, but it's been a crazy trip getting there. Everything was going along fine until last night. I was down to 147.6 kg as of Sunday morning, and decided it would be okay to indulge a little bit on Sunday night. So I had fried chicken and pasta for dinner. Delicious, and I knew there would be a price to pay, and I was okay with that. Then, as often happens, a little bit of indulgence turned into a lot. Corn chips, salsa, sour cream, cheese dip, etc. And it was all good too, but within an hour of eating it, I started to feel sick.

It started off as just mild gastro-intestinal pain. Discomfort that was enough for me to stop trying to watch TV (or whatever I should call it when I'm watching a TV program on my iPad) and go to sleep. Only to wake up around 3:30 in enough pain that I couldn't get back to sleep. Finally around 5:30, I started grabbing 10-20 bits of sleep on the couch, and by 9:30 the pain had eased back to moderate, and I was able to go to bed and get larger (45-60 minutes) bits of sleep through the afternoon. Finally around 4:00 pm the pain started to ease back down to moderate discomfort, and I managed to get dinner cooked for the boys, then go back to bed until around 8:00pm. Then I got up, had a shower, threw up (no, not in the shower), then had another shower, and generally feel better now.

I've still got a lot of low-level pain, but I can't tell how much if it is from the gastro (mainly abdomen), from laying in bed all day (back, shoulders, hips), and from going on a brisk 6.28 kg (3.9 mi) walk around Lake Tuggeranong (hips). So the down-side is that I'm a miserable pile of shit at the moment. The up-side is that the jump from 147.6 to 148.1 kg has been reversed, and as of a few hours ago, I was back down to 147.5 kg.

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